Tuesday 19 October 2010

Short Film And Story Research

This short film followed many of the common conventions of an art house/art cinema/avand-garde short film , you could imagine seeing this type of short film in a modern day art gallery.The narrative of this short films is the words and thier meaning , through out the short film it is always asking the audience questions.The editing has been created in a montage effect with transitional images , the static camera shots also seem to have a rhythm to them.Many of these camera shots comes from archive footage as well as filming real footage , the music used is very easy on the ear and is almost like and advert .

"LUCKY Directed by nash edgerton"

The genre of this short film is clearly action , the director portrays this by using fast pased editing techniques, the camera is mostky handheld with only 3 shot that are static , which creates tension in the film. The narrative of this film is we first see the man in the boot of a car in the middle of the film we see him stopping the car and at the end , fatally the car explodes.

Post it love

This short film is called Post -it Love and is directed by Si and Ad . The narrative of this is Boy meets girl ,expresses their shyness. The story of Post - It love is shy girl meets boy in the office and they find a new way of expressing their affection by using post -it notes. It starts with a smiley face and leads onto a piece of art when the girl comes out for the final time she has the same idea as the guy as she has loads of post it notes in her hands and we see her expression and then a big picture the boy has made of them two out of post it notes on the wall. This shows the true love connection they have as they had the same instinct. It follows the conventions of a Romantic comedy. Todorov: beginning: boy meets girl, middle: post-it picture series, End: The masterpiece. Vladimir Prop:The office: Being the Villain.

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