Tuesday 19 October 2010

Starting Research

Guy Ritchie - snatch , lock stock and two smoking barrels , Sherlock Holmes

I really like Guy Ritchie films , especially Snatch . funny , fast paced and violent just what i like .I thought Lock Stock was great too. although it was made in 1999 it still never seems to date.

Steven Spielberg - saving private Ryan , transformers , eagle eye

Of course Steven Spielberg is one of the most famous directors , his film Saving Private Ryan is arguably one of the most gripping action war movie ever made.

Bryan Singer - x men , usual suspects , superman returns
Byron Singer is another of my most liked directors . for the reason he writes alot of the movies he directs such as Superman Returns and X2 which are both blockbuster hits

what is "auteur"?
An auteur director is someone who believes they are the author of the production . his or her view is more important that the playwright and it dominates their view . An auteur may also make such changes to the textual aspect of the production. the 1950s-era was when the first auteur theory was created. it meant that the directors films reflect that of the directors personal and creative vision as if he were the primary auteur (the French word for "author").

What is Cinema Verite

Cinema verite which is french for truthful cinema is a type of movie style which was a french movie movement in the 1960's which showed people in everyday situations with allot of long and authentic dialogue. Rather than following the usual technique of shooting sound and pictures together, the film maker first tapes actual conversations, interviews, and opinions. After selecting the best material, he films the visual material to fit the sound, often using a hand-held camera. The film is then put together in the cutting room. Paranormal activity (2009) is a great example of this style of filming , it was a huge blockbuster movie .

what is a avant-garde film ?

experimental film or experimental cinema, describes a range of different filming styles that are usually very different from conventional mainstream films and documentaries, they seem to always go against the usual conventions of film making . again the word avant-garde is french for 'ahead of the crowd' , 'ahead of time' or just ' cutting edge'.

What is film noir ?
Film Noir is a cinematci term to describe holly wood crime dramas .particularly those that focus on cynical attitudes and sexual themes.is generally regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the late 1950s

What is 'French new wave' about?
Was a blanket term influenced by Italian Neorealism and classical Hollywood cinema. coined by critics for a group of French film makers of the late 1950's and 1960s.

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